Understanding Cedar: Clear Vertical Grain vs. Tight Knot Cedar

Cedar wood is renowned for its natural beauty, durability, and versatility, making it a popular choice for various construction and woodworking projects. Among the different types of cedar available in the market, two distinct varieties stand out: Clear Vertical Grain Cedar and Tight Knot Cedar. In this post, we will explore the differences between these two types to help you make an informed decision for your next project.

Clear Vertical Grain Cedar:

Clear Vertical Grain (CVG) cedar is considered the premium grade among cedar varieties. The term "vertical grain" refers to the growth rings on the end grain of the wood, which are parallel to each other and run perpendicular to the board's wide face. This arrangement results in a straight, consistent grain pattern that showcases the wood's natural beauty. Here are the key characteristics of Clear Vertical Grain Cedar:

  • Uniform Appearance: CVG cedar boards have a uniform appearance with minimal knots or imperfections. This consistency makes it highly desirable for high-end applications where a clean, sophisticated look is desired. The vibrant hues that cedar produces can provide many color tone options from an individual tree. The uniform pattern of clear vertical grain cedar boards can provide a more modern and clean look to it’s applications.

  • Durability: Clear Vertical Grain cedar is durable and naturally resistant to decay and insects, making it an excellent choice for outdoor projects like siding, soffit, paneling and decking.

  • Cost: Due to its premium quality and limited availability (only sourced from the base of the timber), Clear Vertical Grain cedar tends to be more expensive than other cedar grades. The tightness of the grain pattern, which indicates the age of the material (up to a thousand years old), impacts these costs with pencil grain being the finest grain available. It is generally the most expensive cedar available.

Tight Knot Cedar:

Tight Knot Cedar, as the name suggests, is characterized by the presence of knots that are firmly embedded in the wood. These knots can vary in size and are a result of the tree's natural growth. Here are the key features of Tight Knot Cedar:

  • Natural Character: The knots in Tight Knot Cedar give the wood a rustic and natural appearance. It is often chosen for projects where a more rustic or casual look is desired, such as in cabins, log homes, or outdoor furniture.

  • Affordability: Tight Knot Cedar is sourced from the portion of the timber with branches and therefore is more readily available. It is generally more affordable than Clear Vertical Grain cedar. This makes it a popular choice for budget-conscious projects without compromising on the natural beauty of cedar.

  • Treatment: While Tight Knot Cedar is naturally resistant to decay and insects, it may require additional treatment or maintenance, especially in outdoor applications, to ensure its longevity.

Choosing the Right Cedar for Your Project:

When deciding between Clear Vertical Grain Cedar and Tight Knot Cedar, consider the aesthetic appeal you desire, your budget, and the specific requirements of your project. Clear Vertical Grain Cedar offers a refined, elegant look ideal for high-end applications, while Tight Knot Cedar provides a charming, rustic appearance at a more budget-friendly price point.

Regardless of your choice, cedar wood, with its natural durability and timeless beauty, is sure to enhance any project you undertake.